
Hello World!!!

My name is Megha Singh Chauhan. I started this blog in 2012 when I was in class 11 so you might find some childish essays from that era!! I am not a regular blogger as I write best only when something truly leaves a mark on my mind, hence the limited number of blogs. Well, I aspire to write a book some day or maybe more than one.  On a personal note, I am from Agra, completed my schooling there and moved to Delhi University and completed my Bachelors and then Masters in Political Science.  Therefore, I am inclined to reading about Politics-both domestic and international. This might reflect on my blogs.

Will update more as life takes it own course.

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Megha, thanks for visiting my blog! Your words have power and deep insight, and you write very well as your write from your heart on any subject matter. You bring a genuine truth to life with your words. In this world, all around it there are many voices trying to shape it their own way, but those who share a real loving care for mankind will always be blessed in a timeless way. Your light will never go out. I am proud to have you as a sister and friend, and may we both do our part always to always help make this world a little bit better with our efforts. Your words have left me with a genuine smile. God bless my sister and have a wonderful day!


    1. Thanks a lot Wendell sir to keep me in your prayers and liking my thought.I am truly grateful to you for your words and praise, I will always strive to do my bit and as u mentioned I will definitely try to do my bit to make this world a bit better through my small efforts.Thanks a lot once again and happy Blogging my brother.!!!


  2. Hi Megha,
    Just letting you know I’m moving everything from my “Reflections” to a new blog at thewritofimagination.wordpress.com Please follow there. Thanks!
    ~ Tina


  3. I am glad to see you are okay, but even happier for the smile you left with you visit! Thanks Megha, your heart shines the brightest when you share, and I thank you for the spiritual hugs you always send my way…God bless you always my sister!


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